SUNRISE at the CIVITAS Forum Conference

  • Start Date: September 27, 2017
  • End Date: September 29, 2017
  • Location: Torres Vedras (Portugal)

This year’s CIVITAS FORUM Conference will take place on 27-29 September 2017 in Torres Vedras, Portugal. The annual event brings together the CIVITAS community from across Europe: hundreds of mobility experts, actors and stakeholders, all of whom are devoted to the development of sustainable urban mobility in their cities. 

SUNRISE will be there together with Cities4People, METAMORPHOSIS, MUV, the other three new CIVITAS projects which focus on urban districts or neighbourhoods.

The session will include a short presentation of each project and some insights from a related initiative from the SUITS project. Afterwards, two parallel breakout groups will discuss the advantages, potential and promises of neighbourhood-focused approaches, as well as their risks, disadvantages and pitfalls. All participants will have a chance to play both the sceptic and the optimist during this interactive World Café–style discussion.

  • When?

Day 3 – Friday, 29 September 29 09:30–11:30

  • Where?

Centro Social Paroquial Torres Vedras (Parochial Center) Rua António Leal D’ascenção 2 | 2560-295 Torres Vedras | Portugal Room PS2

Visit the CIVITAS 2017 programme here

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