SUNRISE Webinar on e-commerce platforms for local businesses

  • Date: July 1, 2020
  • Location: Online Webinar

The online webinar will take place on 1 July from 14:00 until 15:30. Please sign up here.

During the times of COVID-19, many local businesses and SMEs had to close. To mitigate the impacts on the local economy, fair and transparent online market places on a local or regional scale have popped up to give visibility and operational backing to these enterprises during and after the crisis. Ideas, business models and approaches will be presented in this webinar, organised by the SUNRISE project, an EU activity that focuses on researching mobility solutions for sustainable urban neighbourhoods throughout Europe.

Agenda 14:00-15:30:

  • Rome – online aggregator of e-commerce platforms supporting small businesses and neighbourhood craftsmen.
  • Zaragoza – created the ZERCA! platform, which enables local businesses to digitise.
  • Groningen – set up a local web-based department store for SMEs, connected to zero-emission delivery services.
  • MaZone (Brussels) – Ixelles neighbourhood launched an online shopping platform for local businesses, accompanied by a shared soft-mobility delivery service.
  • Other cities – to be confirmed