Which Measures are Being Implemented in the Six SUNRISE Neighbourhoods?

  • Posted On: November 4, 2019

Over the last two years, a co-creative participation process has been set up in each of the SUNRISE Action Neighbourhoods in Bremen, Budapest, Jerusalem, Malmo, Southend-On-Sea and Thessaloniki thanks to the SUNRISE project methodology.

The primary focus of the project consists of co-identify mobility problems and co-validate needs, co-develop and co-select possible solutions, and ultimately to co-implement mobility measures on the neighbourhood level in order to foster sustainable mobility. Following this methodology, a participation process has been set up in each SUNIRSE action neighbourhood consisting of a variety of on-tour and interactive formats and workshops to determine together with the stakeholders, the residents and the cities’ administrations the main mobility-related issues that each area is facing.

The Neighbourhood Mobility Action Plan (NMAP) contains the six different action plans for each neighbourhood with the collectively developed and selected measures that are being implemented. All measures take into account the challenges co-identified throughout the first phase of the project.  

Download the Neighbourhood Mobility Action Plan to discover in detail the mobility measures per neighbourhood.